Food pyramid Tumpeng Gizi in Indonesia, not just healthy eating


Food pyramid Tumpeng Gizi in Indonesia
Food pyramid Tumpeng Gizi in Indonesia

Food pyramid Tumpeng Gizi in Indonesia

Did you know that the ideal diet varies from country to country? Yes, this is influenced by the nutritional needs, natural resources, physical and racial conditions of all the inhabitants of the world, to the conditions of each country, which of course also vary. This diet guide is often described in a visual form. Some take the form of pagodas, crests and pyramids. Indonesia uses a food pyramid called Tumpeng Gizi Balanced. What are these dietary guidelines like?

Tumpeng Gizi Balanced, a better food pyramid “4 healthy 5 complete”

Reported on the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s website, the Balanced Nutrition Tumpeng is designed to improve on the old principle of “4 healthy 5 perfect” which has been deemed no longer relevant. Tumpeng Balanced Nutrition contains not only guidelines for healthy eating but also guidelines for an overall healthy lifestyle including physical activity and personal hygiene.

Here is a picture of the food pyramid applied in Indonesia:

Food pyramid Tumpeng Gizi in Indonesia

This new guide has 10 messages related to food, nutrition and health.

  1. Be grateful and enjoy a variety of foods
  2. Eat lots of vegetables and enough fruits
  3. Get used to consuming protein-rich side dishes
  4. Get used to eating a variety of staple foods
  5. Limit sweet, salty, and fatty foods
  6. Getting used to breakfast
  7. Get used to drinking enough water and be safe
  8. Get in the habit of reading labels on food packaging
  9. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water
  10. Adequate physical activity and maintenance of normal body weight

Design a healthy diet based on the recommendations of Tumpeng Gizi Balanced

Before you start designing a healthy diet for you to adopt every day, you should first understand how to read this food pyramid.

Tumpeng Gizi Balimbang has 4 layers of “tumpeng”. From the top of the tumpeng to the bottom, it will widen. This means that the larger the area of ​​the tumpeng layer, the more you will need in bulk.

Take each layer of tumpeng from the bottom up to help define a healthy diet for you.

1. Food staples

The lowest level of the tumpeng is the main food area. There are pictures of corn, rice, cassava, sweet potatoes and other root crops commonly used as staple food for Indonesians.

Recommended staple servings  : 3-4 servings per day.

How much per serving will depend on your staple choices. An ideal serving of rice is about 100 grams. This amount is equivalent to 1 medium sweet potato (135 grams) and 1 piece of tapioca weighing 120 grams. A serving of rice is also equal to 2 medium potatoes with a total weight of 210 grams.

Tumpeng Gizi Balimbang recommends changing your staple foods every day. You don’t have to just eat rice to meet your optimal nutritional needs.

2. Fruit and vegetable section

Up to the top layer, you meet the “floor” of vegetables. The different pictures of vegetables and fruits show that there are many types of vegetables and fruits that you can consume.

 Recommended servings of fruits and vegetables : 3-4 servings of vegetables per meal, while servings of fruit are recommended 2-3 servings a day.

For example, breakfast with a serving of rice and toppings and 1 cup of water spinach soup, then lunch with rice and 1 cup of tamarind, and dinner with rice and 1 cup of capcay. You can also vary the vegetables in a bowl.

The same goes for your servings of fruit in a day. For example, you might snack on a bowl of freshly cut apples in the morning, eat a plate during the day, and end your dinner with a bowl of fruit salad.

3. Protein source

Moving on from vegetables and fruits is a class that contains recommended portions of protein sources, both animal proteins (fish, chicken, meat, eggs, dairy, seafood) and plant protein sources (nuts, tempeh, tofu) ).

This variety of protein sources shows that to meet the body’s protein needs, it is not possible to make just one food. For example, you should not drink milk if you have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. You can replace milk, for example, with fish. The opposite if you have a seafood allergy or don’t eat meat. You can still get your protein intake from a variety of food choices.

Recommended servings of protein:  2-4 servings of protein sources per day.

For example, if you choose 3 servings of protein per day, you can split it into: 1 slice of fish in the morning, 1 egg during the day, and 1 glass of milk at night.

4. Salt, sugar, oil

At the top of the culinary pyramid Tumpeng Gizi Indonesia, you will encounter a spoonful of sugar, salt and oil. This narrow peak zone means you shouldn’t consume too much sugar, salt and oil every day .

Recommended amount of sugar, salt and oil: up to 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 5 tablespoons of oil per day.

Remember that you should also consider the high amounts of sugar, salt, and oil in packaged fast foods, bottled beverages, and everyday snacks. Tip, you can read the nutritional value label on the package.

5. Drinking water portion

Next to the floor of the protein source, there is an image of a glass of water. This is also a warning for you, don’t forget to consume about 8 cups of water a day to prevent dehydration.

Don’t forget to maintain personal hygiene and exercise regularly

After designing your own version of the best eating pattern by following the instructions of Tumpeng Gizi Indonesia, there are a few other things that you need to plan on a daily basis, which is maintaining personal hygiene by washing your hands often and doing physical activity to maintain a healthy body weight.

Although they are not related to nutrient intake, the two are still closely related to your nutritional status. Health problems, such as viral and bacterial infections, diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle (obesity, heart disease, diabetes), can put the body’s health at risk.

If you’ve been sick, your cravings may be significantly reduced. Reducing food intake makes the body not get enough nutrients it needs. A person who is malnourished is at risk for infectious diseases because of their weakened immune system. This affects your overall nutritional status.

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