Definition of abiotic factors


Definition of abiotic factors
Definition of abiotic factors

Definition of abiotic factors

Definition of abiotic factors

An element is an agent that develops actions in combination with other elements. Whereas, abiotic is something that is devoid of life, as opposed to biotic (specific for living organisms or constituting biota).This abiotic element is absolutely essential to our development and it is important to point out that although it is considered “inexhaustible”, only a portion of it reaches the surface of our planet. us: about 1.94 calories per square centimeter of solar energy reaches Earth every minute, but 0.582 returns to space because of reflection with clouds and dust in our atmosphere, and 0 , 388 calories remain in the layers of the atmosphere through absorption.

The relevance of sunlight as an abiotic factor to the ecosystem is such that, in short, there would be no life on our planet without it. It should be noted that the Sun provides us with other types of energy, in addition to visible light, among them gamma rays, ultraviolet rays , infrared radiation (heat) and radio waves. Ultraviolet light cannot be sensed by humans, but insects take advantage of it to distinguish different types of flowers, for example.

One of the major abiotic factors is temperature , which is necessary for ectopic individuals who are unable to regulate their own body temperature (eg, reptiles, amphibians). and fish). . Photosynthesis, on the other hand, also uses a small amount of heat.

As mentioned above, water is also an essential abiotic factor for the development of living beings. So much so that scientists believe that the origin of life on our planet took place precisely in water.

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