How to make Milk Tea (Recipe 2: Strong tea flavor, low fat)



Recipe 2: Recipe 2: Strong tea flavor, low fat 

 >>>Make unsweetened milk tea to adjust the sugar : Do the same as above and do not use white granulated sugar. When guests drink add sugar water : 500ml glass of medium sweet +20ml of sugar water, 700ml of medium sweet + 25ml of sugar water (Less sweet reduce 5ml, more sweet increase 5ml sugar water)


  • Black tea + Green tea
  • 400g B One fat powder or 450g Kievit fat powder
  • 320g sugar
  • 300g Larosee condensed milk 


Step 1:

Put 70g of Loc Phat black tea + 30g of Loc Phat green tea (or 100g of Black Tea) into a tea filter cloth bag + 1.8 liters of boiling water. Brew the tea for 20 minutes. After brewing, lift the tea filter bag to get the tea essence.

Step 2:

Mix well Mix 320g sugar + 240g B One fat powder (or 270g Kievit fat powder) + 2.5 ml salted coffee. Weigh 300g of Larosee condensed milk.

Step 3:

Put the mixture of sugar + B One fat powder or (Kievit fat powder) + salt into the tea juice, stir to dissolve, then add 300g of condensed milk and stir to dissolve. Add 0.7kg of marble, keep stirring until all ice is melted. Finished and always kept in the fridge >>8 hours

Milk tea level for cup sizes:

– 350ml cup: 130ml Milk tea

– 500ml cup: 150ml Milk tea

– 700ml cup: 170ml Milk tea


>>>Make unsweetened milk tea to adjust the sugar : Do the same as above and do not use white granulated sugar. When guests drink add sugar water : 500ml glass of medium sweet +20ml of sugar water, 700ml of medium sweet + 25ml of sugar water (Less sweet reduce 5ml, more sweet increase 5ml sugar water)

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