Explore the nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old


the nutrition pyramid, Introduction to the nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old
the nutrition pyramid, Introduction to the nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old

Nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old is a useful visual tool, helping mothers to measure and measure the amount of food, the food group corresponding to the necessary nutritional content for the child, and Learn more in the following article.

Introduction to the nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old

Ensuring adequate supply of nutrients, variety of foods, stimulating taste buds to help children eat well, this is the desire that parents aim for in every meal of their child. To accomplish this, the nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old is an indispensable visual tool in every family.

Introduction to the nutrition pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old

The nutrition pyramid helps mothers know which food groups to eat often and which groups to eat only occasionally. This depends on where the food group occupies in the pyramid. The closer the food is to the top of the pyramid, the lower the quantity consumed. And note that, there are no prohibited foods in the child’s diet, just varying in amount and frequency.

Learn about starch group, group of vegetables, fruits

The starch group includes breads, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals, etc. These foods should be present in all meals and in sufficient quantities, as it is the main source of energy for the body. young. 

The essential nutritional property of this food group is to provide energy in the form of complex carbohydrates (sugars) represented by starches. In addition, some of these foods provide a daily dose of fiber, B vitamins and minerals.

  • Prioritize products made from whole wheat flour, rich in fiber, because these substances last longer in the body, so they help children stay full for a long time. 
  • Many breakfast cereals are substituted if your baby doesn’t like to eat bread in the morning.

Learn about the group of vegetables and fruits

The group of vegetables is characterized by low calorie content and provides fiber, water, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins to the body. Vegetables are rich in fiber, play a role in helping to satiety, they will reduce hunger of children and limit snacking later. Therefore, in the child’s nutritional menu, vegetables should be added from 2 to 3 servings. during the day. 

The fruit group is on the same level as the vegetable group, which is rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, water and fiber. They differ from vegetables in their higher sugar content. The advice for mothers is that in the child’s nutrition pyramid, this food group should be added to the child’s daily menu, such as dessert, snack or breakfast.

  • In their natural state and when ripe, this food group provides the most vitamins and antioxidants. 
  • Juice is less high in fiber than fresh fruit, however, juice helps to reduce hunger thanks to its low fiber content and liquid state.
  • Dried fruits are not suitable for children’s diets because although they are rich in vitamins and minerals, they are also low in water and high in sugar.

Learn about dairy foods, meat, fish, eggs

The dairy food group includes milk, cheese, yogurt, fermented milk as well as calcium-rich plant alternatives (soy milk, soy yogurt, etc.). This group mainly provides protein and calcium, which are essential elements for the development of the child’s skeletal system.

To ensure the amount of calcium needed for the health of bones and teeth of children, children should consume 2 servings of dairy products a day until 10 years old (3 servings from 10 years old). 

  • Part of this nutritional group is 1 cup of milk (200 ml) or 125g of yogurt or 100g of buttermilk or 30g of cheese. 
  • Some plant-based drinks sometimes contain more carbohydrates than cow’s milk, such as rice milk, so they should be consumed in moderation.

The role of the meat, fish, and egg food group

The next group includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (lentils, peas, chickpeas,…) and vegetable alternatives (seitan, tofu, quorn, tempeh, etc.) . These foods provide iron (necessary for brain function) and protein, in addition to ram these are essential for growth, tissue regeneration and immune function for children.

 However, some types of meat are high in fat: minced meats, bacon, high-fat deli meats, etc. It is recommended to limit their consumption to the maximum, once a week.

Fat group and the role of water in the child’s body

The fat group in the nutrition pyramid for children includes all fats (oils, vegetable fats, animal fats, spreads, butter, mayonnaise and derivatives, cream,…) as well as other fats. oily fruits (nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds,…). 

Foods in this group provide fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), essential fatty acids, and are rich in fat. This is why they should be consumed in moderation. In addition, the group is also very necessary to promote the good development of the baby (build the brain, the immune system to work well, protect the internal organs and the health of the baby’s skin). But it is very important to make the right choice among different foods, because some contain “good fats” and others contain “bad fats”. 

  • Prefer plant-based fats (canola oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, peanut oil,…). 
  • Processed sauces, whipped cream, cakes and cookies often contain “bad” fats and should therefore be limited. 
  • When making baby sauces, use milk or yogurt, to reduce calories, and aromatic herbs or spices to enhance flavor.

Non-essential foods, such as cakes, cookies, chocolates, sweets, ice cream, crisps, sugary drinks, etc. All these foods are rich in energy. They are not prohibited, but should be consumed in small amounts and occasionally.

Fat group and the role of water

The only drink that is really necessary for the normal functioning of the body is water. Water is an essential nutrient for life, making up more than half of a child’s body. 

According to recommendations, each person should drink an average of 1.5 liters of water per day. However, this varies from person to person and from case to case. Because the need varies with age and will increase in case of hot weather or intense exercise or diarrhea or fever. 

The basic recommendations for children are as follows: Age recommendation (EFSA 2010), children 4 to 8 years old should drink 1.1 to 1.3 liters of water and children 9 to 13 years old should drink 1 .5 to 1.7 liters of water per day.

  • Tea, coffee and energy drinks contain caffeine, they are not suitable for children. 
  • Sugary drinks are not recommended for children.

The above is the necessary information about the nutritional pyramid for children from 18 months to 12 years old and useful tips to help mothers build a menu to ensure adequate nutrients for the baby.

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