Strawberry milk tea smoothies



Strawberry milk tea smoothies

Smoothie is a thick, viscous blend made from fresh fruit or vegetables with ice, a little water, with or without added sweeteners, in a blender. Smoothies… Some smoothie recipes will include crushed ice, chilled fruit juice, honey, syrup, dairy products, yogurt, whipped cream or other chilled ingredients. Finished smoothie products often have eye-catching colors, giving a feeling of cool drink but not as numb as drinks with ice cubes, the sweet taste of natural ingredients should be chosen by many diners.


M: tablespoon - m: teaspoon

  • Blendy strawberry milk tea 4 packs
  • Fresh milk without sugar 120g
  • 100ml fresh milk cream (take 50ml whipped, decorate on the rim of the glass)
  • Strawberries 8 -12
  • Ice cubes 80g
  • Blendy Strawberry Milk Tea™


Blending Blend: Stir 4 packs of Blendy with 50g of hot water, then let it cool.

– Strawberries: soaked, washed, 8-9 fruits to be kept separately, the remaining 3: 1 sliced, 2 fruits to decorate the side of the glass.

Blend smoothies: Put in a blender 5 strawberries, Blendy mix, fresh milk, milk cream, ice cubes, puree finely.


Using shaved or crushed ice when blending smoothies will save time and make smoothies more beautiful. Blend the strawberries with other ingredients until smooth, then add the ice to the final grind.

– Choose strawberries: Choose large, ripe red fruits that are not soft or bruised and the leaves are still green.

– You can freeze strawberries first, smoothies will taste better

– Accompanying dish: Red dragon fruit Pancake

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