How to make Milk Tea (Recipe 1: Fragrant tea, rich in fat, suitable for young people)



Recipe 1: Fragrant tea, rich in fat, suitable for young people 

 >>>Make unsweetened milk tea to adjust the amount of sugar : Do as above and do not use white granulated sugar. When guests drink, add sugar water: 500ml glass of medium sweetness + 20ml of sugar water, 700ml glass of medium sweetness + 25ml of sugar water (less sweet reduce 5ml, more sweet increase 5ml sugar water)


  • Black tea + Green tea
  • 400g B One fat powder or 450g Kievit fat powder
  • 320g sugar
  • 300g Larosee condensed milk


Step 1:

Put 70g of Loc Phat black tea + 30g of Loc Phat green tea (or 100g of Black Tea) into a tea filter cloth bag + 2.3 liters of boiling water Incubate the tea for 20 minutes. After brewing, lift the tea filter bag to get the tea essence.

Step 2:

Put 400g of B'One fat powder or (450g of Kievit fat powder) into the tea base, beat with a whisk >>Then mix 320g sugar + 2.5ml table salt + 300g Larosee condensed milk and beat 1 Again.

Step 3:

Add 0.7kg of marble, continue stirring until all ice is melted. Finish making milk tea into plastic bottles and put them in the fridge for >= 8 hours to make the milk tea taste better. Always store at a cool temperature.

Milk tea level for cup sizes:

- 350ml cup: 150ml Milk tea

- 500ml cup: 170ml Milk tea                                           

- 700ml cup: 190ml Milk tea


 >>>Make unsweetened milk tea to adjust the amount of sugar : Do as above and do not use white granulated sugar. When guests drink, add sugar water: 500ml glass of medium sweetness + 20ml of sugar water, 700ml glass of medium sweetness + 25ml of sugar water (less sweet reduce 5ml, more sweet increase 5ml sugar water)

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