Food Pyramid


Food Pyramid
Food Pyramid

Food Pyramid

The first ‘food pyramid’ of the US Department of Agriculture was published on April 28, 1992.

It was in the 1960s in the West that eating and dieting began to take root in public awareness. In the 1970s, diet pills containing antiemetics were marketed. In Korea, which spent the 1950s and 1960s due to poverty immediately after the Korean War and the all-out economic development war, few people even knew about the diet due to the policy of increasing rice production and mixed meal for food security in the 1970s, and the recommended diet for nutrition and health became popular. That was after the mid 80’s.

It was Sweden in 1974 that first introduced the ‘food pyramid’ (aka diet pyramid), which is the origin of recommended diets. The original purpose of the report, which was published by the Swedish National Health and Welfare Council on the appropriate amount of food intake for each nutritional group, was to enable citizens to consume appropriate nutrients at the lowest cost as possible when food prices soared due to the agricultural product crisis in 1972. Sweden’s food pyramid received a great response and quickly spread to nearby Nordic countries, West Germany, Europe and Japan.

But the most famous is the Food Pyramid announced by the USDA on April 28, 1992, referencing the Swedish version. The foods in each of the 6 groups were divided into 4 columns by nutrient and the recommended amount was recorded for each. ), at the top were fats, oils and sugars. This guideline, which recommended filling about 60% of the meal with carbohydrates and minimizing fat intake, was worshiped like a bible in the composition of school and home lunch menus in the United States and almost all capitalist countries around the world. When the USDA started building the pyramid in 1988, the fact that Sweden had a higher rate of heart disease than the United States was ignored. Around 2005, when the first revised edition of the USDA, ‘My Pyramid’, was published, about 65% of adults (20 to 75 years old) in the United States were obese. My Pyramid was subdivided into 12 categories according to individual age and activity level, and recommendations such as whole grains that were not milled were included. It was also known in the process that there was a fierce lobbying battle in the food industry during the process of making the plan in 1992.

The latest version of ‘My Plate’ in June 2011 is a diagram in the form of a round plate divided into 4 parts, much simplified and abstracted. Vegetables and fruits accounted for half of the total, and the other half was whole grains and high-quality protein. The rest, such as fat and sugar, was described as a tip on the outside of the plate, and dairy products were drawn separately as small circles.

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