What is pho combination?



What is pho combination?

A pho combination, or pho dac biet, is a bowl of Vietnamese traditional beef noodles soup that encompasses many different combination such as: Pho with rare steak, chin briskets, rib cubes, meatball, tripes, tendons and many other type of protein.

Pho Combination
Pho Combination

We also add veggies like bean sprout, culantro, basil, rice paddy herb, lime wedges, and jalapeno are among some common veggies toppings.

Patrons can also add sauce topping like hoisin sauce and siracha. And top it off with our famous signature sate’. It may be spicy but if you need that extra kick, then definitely give it a try.

At Redbo we top off your protein with Wagyu beef to increase the depth of your pho bowl and broth.

You can find out more about our dishes other than Pho, such as: Shaking Beef, Wagyu Fried Rice, and Beef Stew.

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