The difference between abiotic and biotic factors


The difference between abiotic and biotic factors
The difference between abiotic and biotic factors

The difference between abiotic and biotic factors

The key difference between both is that abiotic factors include components of an ecosystem that are not part of any habitat. On the other hand, biotic factors include the living components of the ecosystem.

>>> What is abiotic factor? Characteristics and importance

Examples of abiotic factors are sunlight, wind, clouds, water, rocks, energy, temperature, soil, etc… while examples of biotic factors are plants and plants, animals, microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, algae.

Ecosystem provides the main platform for interaction between two people, as both depend on each other for different things, biological factors mainly depend on abiotic factors to fulfill requirements theirs to grow and survive. To explain further, we will look at a few points that distinguish both entities.

abiotic and biotic factors

Comparison chart

The basis for comparisonAbitotic factorBiological factors
MeaningAbiotic factors are the non-living things of an ecosystem.Biological elements are living organisms of an ecosystem.
For exampleSunlight, temperature, energy, wind, water, soil, etcPlants, trees, animals, microorganisms, etc.
It affectsIndividuals of a particular species, populations, communities, ecosystems and their biosphere.Biomes, individuals of a particular species, biosphere, populations.
DependentAbiotic factors do not depend on biotic factors for their survival.Biological factors depend on abiotic factors for their survival.
Limiting factorDue to changes in abiotic factors, it can sometimes limit the growth and development of a particular species or their population, or sometimes it can hinder an
entire ecosystem.
Due to any uncertain change in particular species, it is also possible to bring about changes in other species, which directly or indirectly bank on them.
Approaching the changesThese factors do not adapt to any change.These factors can adapt to changes, to survive.

Definition of abiotic factors

Abiotic factors are also known as ” environmental factors “. Abiotic factors and biotic factors cover almost the entire biosphere, and that is the total that covers all ecosystems. The only difference between abiotic and biotic is that the abiotic factors include factors like pH, temperature, climate, humidity, soil, water, minerals, gases, light, wind, etc

Definition of abiotic factors

These are non-living things, but directly or indirectly affect the growth of biological factors. For example, if there is a sudden change in the temperature of a particular ecosystem, adverse effects will be seen on the plants, animals and organisms that live there. The consequence will be that they will migrate from there or they will not be able to survive anymore, otherwise they can gradually adapt to the changes to survive.

Definition of biological factors

The main features that distinguish biotics from abiotic factors are: they respond to stimuli, they require energy to function, they grow and develop, they contain genetic material such as DNA (acids). nucleic Deoxyribose) are passed from generation to generation as they reproduce and are capable of producing young.

Definition of biological factors

Biological factors mainly rely on abiotic factors for their growth and survival, be it direct or indirect. For example, the organisms that live in the pond depend on circumstances such as availability of food and nutrients, temperature, pH, sunlight, water, etc. and if there are any changes in these conditions. this factor, it will directly hinder the population of organisms living in that pond.

The biological factors that form the life form of an ecosystem and include: –
1. Producer or automaton.
2. Consumers or heterosexuals.
3. Decomposers or detrivores.

1. Producers or autotrophs : These types of organisms can prepare their own food. They prepare food through photosynthesis like green plants, less algae and bacteria, or possibly through chemosynthesis as in a few microorganisms.

In photosynthesis, food is prepared with the help of sunlight, air and water, whereas in chemotaxis, organisms use carbohydrates and convert to organic matter by oxidation. inorganic compounds and thereby using this organic matter as a source of energy.

2. Consumers or heterotrophs : These are organisms that are directly dependent on producers for their food and nutrition.
An example is animals.

3. Decompose or decompose : They feed on or depend on a dead and decaying matter for their food and nutrition. An example is fungi and bacteria.

Key difference between abiotic and biotic factors

Destination is the key difference between abiotic and biotic factors:

  1. Abiotic factors are the non-living things of an ecosystem; Biological factors include the living organisms of an ecosystem.
  2. Examples of abiotic factors are sunlight, temperature, energy, wind, water, soil, etc., while plants, trees, animals, microorganisms, etc.
  3. Both (abiotic and biotic factors) can affect individuals of a particular species, populations, communities, ecosystems, and
  4. Abiotic factors do not depend on biotic factors for their survival, but biotic factors depend on abiotic factors for their survival.
  5. Due to changes in abiotic factors, it can sometimes limit the growth and development of a particular species or their population, or sometimes it can hinder an entire ecosystem. While the biological factors of any change are uncertain in particular species, it is also possible to cause changes in other species, which directly or indirectly bank on them.
  6. Abiotic factors do not adapt to any changes while biotic factors can slowly adapt to changes, in order to survive.


Our biosphere includes biomes, ecosystems, communities, populations and species and includes every element present on earth. Meanwhile, the ecosystem contains the synergy between non-living (abiotic) and living (biological) elements and covers every area whether it is deep in water, in the air or in the air. land.

At the same time, abiotic factors regulate the presence or survival of particular species in that particular environment although biotic factors depend on abiotic factors for food. , protect, shelter or breed.

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