Tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao? (Vietnamese Lunar New Year)


Tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao? (Vietnamese Lunar New Year)
tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao
tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao
tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao

On which calendar day is the 2023 Lunar New Year and the 2023 Lunar New Year holiday schedule is information that many people are interested in at the time of Tet. The following article of MediaMart will answer to help readers.

Vietnam Lunar New Year 2023 On what date is the solar calendar?

Vietnam Lunar New Year is an occasion for families to gather, gather together, and welcome the good fortune of the new year. This is also a meaningful tradition and cultural beauty of the Vietnamese nation.

According to the perpetual calendar, the first day of the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit of the year 2023 will fall on Sunday, February 22, 2023.

tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao
Tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao? (Vietnamese Luna New Year)

Lunar New Year Holiday Schedule 2023

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs proposes two plans for the Lunar New Year holiday in 2023 as follows:
Option 1: Civil servants and public employees will take a break for the Lunar New Year 2023 from Friday, January 20, 2023 to the end of Thursday, January 26, 2023 (ie, December 29 of the year of the Tiger to the end of January 5 of the year of the Quarter). crown).
Under this plan, the 2023 Lunar New Year holiday schedule of civil servants, public employees and employees working at state agencies, units and organizations will last 7 days, including 5 days off for the Lunar New Year and two days off for compensating weekly rest days as prescribed.
Option 2: Civil servants and public employees will take a break for the Lunar New Year 2023 from Saturday, January 21, 2023 to the end of Sunday, January 29, 2023 (ie, December 30 of the year of the Tiger to the end of January of the year of the Quarter). crown).
With this option, the 2023 Lunar New Year holiday schedule of civil servants, public employees and employees working at state agencies, units and organizations will last up to 9 days. In which, there are 5 days off for Tet and 2 days off to make up for weekly rest and 2 days off weekly.

tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao
Tet viet nam 2023 la ngay nao? (Vietnamese Luna New Year)

Even among the two options proposed by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the ministry leans towards option 1, which is to take a 7-day break to ensure that the total number of consecutive days off is not too long, and at the same time, harmonize the rest period before and after Tet.

As for employees working in non-state sectors, depending on actual conditions, the employer shall arrange a suitable Lunar New Year holiday schedule for the employee but still have to ensure compliance with the Labor Code. motion 2019.

Above is an article about the Lunar New Year 2023 on which calendar day, the Lunar New Year holiday schedule of 2023. Hope this information will help you plan, arrange work, and rest reasonably.

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