Fighter Keith Lee Is Now a Food Critic on TikTok


keith lee food critic, Fighter Keith Lee Is Now a Food Critic on TikTok
keith lee food critic

Fighter Keith Lee Is Now a Food Critic on TikTok

We’re barely into 2023 and combat sports already is in complete chaos. But believe it or not, it hasn’t all been just terrible news.

Among all the bad that’s happened in MMA and boxing in just the first week of 2023, there’s been some good things, notably, what former Bellator fighter Keith Lee did for a struggling Las Vegas restaurant.

Lee, who’s the younger brother of ex-UFC lightweight contender Kevin Lee, is a popular food critic on TikTok. He recently went to a newly opened pizzeria in Las Vegas, Frankensons, to do his thing, and little did he know he was about to change lives.

Lee’s review went viral on TikTok with almost 30 million plays as of Sunday, and with it went Frankensons. The restaurant began to get calls and orders like never before, vastly changing its course.

Below, you can watch Lee’s video explaining the story.

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