Early symptoms of diabetes


9 Early symptoms of diabetes
9 Early symptoms of diabetes

Early symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by blood sugar levels that are always higher than normal due to a deficiency or resistance to insulin, leading to disturbances in blood sugar metabolism. This condition not only reduces the quality of life but also affects the life expectancy and life of the patient. That’s why early recognition of diabetes symptoms and treatment is so important, especially when the symptoms are often vague and easily confused with other conditions.

9 Early symptoms of diabetes

9 early symptoms of diabetes

Early-stage diabetes symptoms may include:

1. Frequent urination

When blood sugar is high, your kidneys expel excess sugar from your blood, causing you to urinate more often. Therefore, one of the early diabetes symptoms is frequent urination (about 4-7 times in 24 hours).

2. Craving to drink water continuously

While the kidneys work overtime and you urinate more often, valuable fluids are drawn out of the tissues. Frequent urination will cause the body to lose water, so you feel thirsty and have to rehydrate constantly. The average person needs about 2 liters of water a day, but people with diabetes can drink more than 4 liters / day.

3. Tired

When blood sugar is high, your body has to work hard to get rid of the excess sugar. Not only does this process affect your body, but it also changes the way your body uses glucose for energy. Excessively high blood sugar has the effect of causing fatigue among other symptoms.

4. Blurred vision

High blood sugar can damage the eye’s small blood vessels, leading to a swollen lens. As blood sugar rises and falls, your vision may return to normal or worsen, respectively. If detected early and treated to stabilize blood sugar levels, this condition can be cured.

5. Increased hunger

This is one of the early signs of diabetes. When blood is high, your body is actively trying to get rid of it. Because your body excretes too much of the glucose you get from food, hunger may increase.

6. Cuts and wounds heal slowly

Damaged blood vessels result in impaired blood circulation. As a result, it will be harder for blood to reach the affected area and small cuts or wounds will be difficult to heal, which can take weeks or months to heal. This slow healing process makes unhealed cuts and wounds more susceptible to infection, increasing the risk of amputation.

7. Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet

High blood sugar can significantly affect the nerves. This damage begins with pain or numbness and can worsen into pain or neuropathy over time.

8. Skin color change

Insulin resistance can cause the skin to develop atopic dermatitis (acanthosis nigricans), which often appears in wrinkles in the neck, armpits, or groin. This dark area can be raised and has a velvety smooth texture.

9. Yeast infection

Blood sugar levels and excess sugar in urine create an ideal environment for yeast to grow. Yeast can feed on excess sugar in the genital areas, as well as the mouth or armpits. Maintaining blood sugar levels helps reduce the risk of yeast infections.

Early screening for diabetes

If you are in an at-risk group or have one of the symptoms listed above, consult your doctor and get the necessary tests to screen for diabetes early to prevent the disease from progressing. late stage and many complications.

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